Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our (Second) First Week Here

A friend of ours who recently landed in our country sent out an email about his first days here. In this email, he very appropriately wrote what I have been feeling as well. I asked him if I could post his thoughts here. Here they are:

 "Ugh, we're here. Right now, you are probably thinking, "These are the ones we sent out? Shouldn't they be excited? Is it too late to find someone better to take their place?" Well, you may be able to find someone better, but the truth is that we are excited about why we are here. That reaction was directed more to the negative aspects of this country that came flooding back to our memories all at once. There is a misconception out there that all sent out ones really enjoy (even prefer) living where they live. The reality is that this place is dirty and smelly and polluted beyond belief. It's crowded and noisy and full of prejudice. It is a dark land full of blatant idolatry that provides a daily assault upon the senses and emotions. Sure, when you first come to South Asia, it can be new and exciting, but unfortunately, we skipped the honeymoon phase. There are some things we do genuinely enjoy about our country, but I'd much rather be in the Deep South, for sure. So, no, we don't particularly enjoy daily life here in many ways, but there is greater joy in telling someone about the Way when they have never heard it before. You can ask that we continue adjusting to life here and become comfortable in the culture. Ask that we would be granted a love for the people that overshadows our dislike for the rest of it."

Please pray for me, as I (again) am having a difficult time transitioning to a very different everything. We also have been living out of a suitcase for 11 months, and want to move into our apartment, but there are still many things that need to be done before we can do that. Please pray that those things are finished quickly and that we can happily settle into our new home. One more request is that my stomach will settle. The roads are terrible here, and every time we ride in a rickshaw I feel awful. Pray that we all adapt well to living here. Thank you for your support and encouragement. It is very helpful! We love you, and I'll write more soon!

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