Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sick Baby Corinth

We had 10 days between the end of training and the big flight overseas. (I’m still working on a good ‘name’ for our country so that I can stop calling it ‘our country.’) During those 10 days, we spent 4 with my family (packing, hanging out, and celebrating my mom’s birthday!), 1 day visiting my Grandma and Grandpa while driving through Oklahoma, 4 days in Wichita, and 1 day back in Carrollton. During our time in Wichita, Corinth got really sick with: 103.8 fever, shaking, hands and lips turning blue, and gasping for air. As you can imagine, we headed to the hospital pretty quickly. They ran tests on her and got her temp down with meds, but wanted to monitor her overnight to make sure it didn’t happen again. At about midnight, her fever went up to about 104, so they put an IV in her, took blood to test, and gave her fluids to make sure she stayed hydrated. It was a rough night of needles, meds, poking, and prodding.
We took her home the next day at about 2pm, only to go back at about 8pm with another high fever and a bit of blueness. They gave her more meds and a steroid and sent us home again. That really only left us with one good day in Wichita, which we thankfully  enjoyed with family! We also had an early birthday party for her with all of her grandparents before we left. (She loved the ice-cream!)

We also had an Easter egg hunt at my parents' church. She was more interested in the concrete than the eggs, but looked super cute doing it!

Pray for baby Corinth as she is still on meds to fight off fever, an ear infection, tonsillitis, and possible strep throat. She’s a tough girl, but she (we!) can always use prayer! Thanks friends!

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